I would like to start off by saying I really enjoyed my Winter break. A third of my break was spent working at my job outside of this program, but it was still enjoyable to help customers buy the gift of clothing for people they cared about. On Christmas Eve, I took an hour drive to my grandmother’s house on my dad’s side of my family. It is considered a tradition and was started when she first moved to that house in Stockton when I was five years old. My play sister Reysha (from class six), joined me and my family in our Holiday festivities and I was reunited with my brother Deandre (from class six), who moved out there in October. Another one of our traditions we kept up with being in my grandmother’s house was opening gifts with all of my family at midnight. On Christmas Day, I enjoyed a lovely church service at my grandmother’s church. Afterword, my family and I reconvened at grandmother’s house for a Christmas feast where we conversed among each other and watched basketball games. During the break between the holidays, I decided to dye my hair, though I wasn’t too happy with the outcome. I brought my New Years in at the pier watching the fireworks with friends. Overall, I feel I had plenty of time to recover and come back ready to work and get mentally prepared for internship.
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