Companies all over the world use advertisement as a way to bring in individuals by making them think that they must have this fancy car or must have the other overly expensive products they decide to sell. In my opinion, I think it affects the opportunity divide because it shows that they are just finding ways to take money away from low wage without thinking about what it could do for their future. In their eyes, the fact that you have less means that you want more and is more than likely willing to do anything to get it, so instead of working with you to get what you want and take care of what they need, they cover up the big picture of what kind of problems this can create for you later with the thought of what ephemeral happiness you will have in the present before you realize what’s going on. By then it’s too late and the dreams you had with this fantasy object are deferred. They are not at all concerned with what’s going on in your personal but only how you plan to continue to pay the debt you've created for yourself. They all along were only after money and knew that less fortunate individuals would more than likely fall short of the plan to enhance their company’s growth. I believe that these behaviors do create a unnecessary separation between them and their customers.
I believe everyone plays a part in getting rid of this issue. These companies don't have to do what they are doing too these people and it is wrong one their part most of the time, but at the same time, these people aren't being forced to buy these items. These are grown men and women who should know whether or not the items they choose to buy are beneficial toward them and whether it could affect them negatively or positively. It starts with them and their mindset on how they choose to go about these particular situations.
Diarra, I like that you chose to talk about consumer products geared toward low-income individuals. I agree with you that financial success is difficult when you don't have much to work with and that desperation leaves people open to "predatory" advertising. I like that you ended with a paragraph about the power that peole do have. As you continue to think about this issue (deep and complicated as it is) I challenge you to think about what people can do to change the culture of consumerism that you identify as harmful. Education? Shifting of common values? Other?
ReplyDeleteOn a the word-smithing side of things, I love that you use the word ephemeral so well. I think you have a strong command of the English language.
I also think you can continue to tighten your grammar. For example you use "more stronger," when "stronger" is grammatically correct. Also "companies use advertisement" should be changed to either "advertising" or "advertisements." Lastly, you wrote "take money away from low wage without," and you're missing a word. Low-wage is an adjective that needs a subject. Your subject could be earners, people, individuals, etc.
I hope all this helps. Overall, keep up the great work!!!